National Indigenous Peoples Day 2019

Message on National Indigenous Peoples Day from the Grand Chief Dr. Abel Bosum and Deputy Grand Chief Mandy Gull

On June 21st, we join our voices with other Indigenous Peoples across Canada to celebrate our own rich culture, language and distinct heritage as Eeyou. It is also a time for us to share with all Canadians and reflect upon the vast contributions that Indigenous Peoples have made to the country. Finding and claiming our rightful place in today’s society has inspired a beginning for change towards more respect and inclusion of indigenous Peoples.

Eeyouch, together with other Indigenous Peoples across the country, have fought to make the voices of our people heard and our rights respected, ensuring the protection of our lands and cultures. We must acknowledge past leadership who have taken a stand for the benefit of future generations so they may continue the practice of passing on our traditions, walking the same lands our ancestors did and speaking the same vibrant language.

May we continue commemorating National Indigenous Peoples Day with family, friends and neighbors and celebrate what makes us unique as a Nation.

Happy National Indigenous Peoples Day to all!